“There’s always been something about taking something apart and making it your own that has always intrigued me.” From working on BMX bikes at a young age and eventually leading to cars and motorcyles, Chris DeSanty was a natural at working with his hands.
Chris was born in Milford, a small town in New Hampshire. He moved to New York City in 2007, when it was “still a little weird,” in hopes of finding a work space he could live and work out of. He knew this wouldn’t be the case if he remained in New Hampshire or Florida, so he took the plunge and made his way to New York City.

“I started cutting hair almost on accident.” Chris never aspired to pursue a career as a hairdresser or barber in the past, but while accompanying a close friend to a campus tour of Paul Mitchel The School, he couldn’t believe what he had seen. “Besides 200 girls in a room doing each others hair, the work environment just seemed really doable.” After working many years as a machinist, basically trapped in a dungeon with a couple of guys, it started becoming a little weird without much outside human interaction. DeSanty was delighted by the idea of working in a social environment as well as creating with his two hands.
Chris has become known for his characteristic “Gentleman’s Cut.” Essentially, it is a natural side part with a nice amount of length on top to run a comb through, and pretty short sides. “Usually those features are a little more exaggerated to add a little more flavor to the haircut.” Chris prides himself on focusing and fine tuning the cuts of each of his small client list, rather than having a line of clients out the door. DeSanty built a clientele very quickly after starting up, and attributes this to New York being such an interactive city. “You see someone on the subway, in a bar or on the street with a pair of shoes, shirt, watch, or even haircut that you like and it’s very easy to ask where they got it.”

In addition to cutting hair, Chris also began to produce his very own pomade - The Iron Society - Grooming Aid. “Almost every single one of my clients puts product in their hair, it only seemed to make sense that they would use mine.” Haircutting has limited his work geographically, but the pomade has allowed him the ability to work with others across the globe. DeSanty is currently working on expanding The Iron Society’s repertoire with such products as a water soluble pomade, a body spray/cologne, candles and even pocket combs. He is hoping to have these products available before the holiday season. "My goal isn't to be knee deep in hair but knee deep in pomade."
CADET honors Chris DeSanty for staying true to himself, creating quality products, and taking pride in his craftsmanship.